Ganbatte, Pim!

Pim was admitted to the ICU again… He has a fever which could be not-so-bad news or really bad news, we’ll
find out in the morning. Ganbatte, Pim!

Happy Birthday Hana!

Hana turned 3 today! We took the girls to the Big Apple Circus.


The sound of hundreds of kids gasping/shrieking/laughing in wonder is pretty awesome.


Hana was speechless.


“Happy Happy” song, then cake!


Bonus: Pim came home from the hospital today! (He had emergency surgery to remove a “linear foreign body” –
i.e., a swallowed string… I think he had to redeem one of his 9 lives…)

DIY Econo Transparencies

Oversized transparencies are waaaaaay expensive to get printed – enough for me to work out the math of getting
transparencies printed vs buying a $2,000 plotter (verdict: I’d probably get the print-o-tron if I had a place to
put it). Enter good ol’ mineral oil ($7.49 at Rite Aid)! (Props to John “MacGuyver” Mejias for suggesting this.)
Slather it on a plain ol’ printout and you’ve got yourself a DIY Econo Transparency. I’m getting really good
exposures out of this method. Cons: a bit messy; also, mineral oil is usually stashed in the Laxatives section of
the drug store (“It’s for my artwork, honest!”).


Hana likes to be helpful…


…but labor-management relations soon break down, as she demands a Youtube break. Sigh, that’s alright,
Lady, Daddy’ll take it from here.

Tricky Treat!

Hana went to “Tricky Treat” with her gal pals today. Their initial fear of walking into shops by themselves and
talking to strangers was quickly overcome once they realized candy was involved…


Halloween isn’t quite as much fun when you can’t walk, chew, or voice your costume preferences, I suppose…
Hang in there, Kiki!


Next year will be our last chance to go as the Norimaki family from Dr. Slump.


Shichi-Go-San Hana

We signed Hana up for the Shichi-Go-San ceremony at Japan Society, mostly
to get her dressed up in a kimono. She was not happy about it… the overall effect
was that of an Edo-era street urchin (note the bare feet and loosened belt).